Food Cupboard
Manchester Town Hall, 40 Jeff Williams Way, Manchester Center, VT
CFC receives no tax dollars. We are funded entirely by the generous donations of neighbors helping neighbors.
In 2019 CFC helped 372 families. In the last 12 months we’ve served over 800.
Your donations make difference!
EIN 03-0335781
Helpful items to donate any time:
Canned Tuna
Peanut Butter
Canned Soup or Stew
Pasta and Sauce
Hot or Cold Cereal
Granola Bars
Cooking Oil
Ketchup or Mayonaisse
Diapers and Wipes
Toilet Paper
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
Other Donation Items We Accept:
(Drop off at Town Hall only, Wednesday or Thursday 9-12.)
Books and Toys- Most wanted are popular fiction, cookbooks, children’s books, puzzles, and toys in good condition.
Gently used clothing for adults or children- Casual, warm, and sturdy items are great! Coats, boots, winter gear, jeans, sweaters, outdoor work and play wear.
Household goods- Dishes, kitchen utensils, towels, small appliances, and tools are always welcome.
Announcements and Schedule
Distribution Hours:
Drop In: Wednesdays 2-4,
Thursdays 10-12 and 2-4
Snow Days:
CFC will close for bad weather any day that Manchester Elementary/ Middle School closes for bad weather. Stay safe and check before you leave home!
Volunteer with Community Food Cupboard and make a difference in your community. Learn more about the different options about how you, your friends or your family can serve.